Saturday, December 12, 2009


Hahahahahahahahahahaha........finally,i got a job..
errmmmm,next week i can start..i work at pizza hut
i meet the boos yesterday for interview..
he said bout gaji,rumin,and so on..
then,he gave warning tht work is very very tired..
i dun care and then i agree to work at there..
so,i must buy clothe,shoe,and INJECTION..!!!!


errrrr.....aku pulang ke negeri sembilan...sudah lama tidak melihat suasana di sana...kekawan pun sukar dijumpa...jadi,aku pun kemas dan mencari barang untuk membawa balik ke klang...then,tidak sangka aku jumpa sepucuk surat dari kawan(leong cin dee),sye tidak buka lagi surat itu..then,aku membaca..terperanjat,aku tidak sangka dia tulis seperti itu..sungguh mengharukan..dia memang rindu dengan peninggalan saya...

dalam kandungan surat:
it been four years we were fight together....1 melati,2 melati,3melati,4 kenanga...its hard to say classmate is my frienz 4ever...
i hope u hav a good influence frienz at there...gud luck....
mate,leong cin dee

ice Skating......

ermmm.....first time i played ice skating wif frienz...i felt enjoyable and fun..azri always want to race,lol..sure i lose..i always fall so many time..and there had one girl help me stand back...practise,practise,practise and,i can playe ice time,i want to come back again....


Owl City......

this person is a singer..the band name is owl,this person make a song for new moon..the love between vampire and human..the song name is fireflies...


ahhh....????..i dun knw why i watch twilight...erm,maybe i jelous at,bella and cullen were adourable couple...they kissed,look at eyes each other,grab hand,sacrifice.....errr...i dun write to down there have image bella(kristen steward) and edward cullen(roberb patisson)...and btw,i bought a novel new


Edward Cullen....>>>>>>>